To:                 Health and Social Care Committee
From:            Policy and Legislation Committee Service
Meeting date:    16 July 2014

Health and Social Care Committee Forward Work Programme:
autumn term (September – December 2014)



1.     This paper invites Members to note the Health and Social Care Committee timetable attached at Annex A.


2.     Attached at Annex A is a copy of the Health & Social Care Committee’s timetable from September – December 2014.


3.     The timetable is published as an aid to Assembly Members and any members of the public who may wish to be aware of the Committee’s forward work programme. A document of this kind will be published by the Committee at regular intervals.


4.     The timetable is subject to change and may be amended at the Committee’s discretion.


5. The Committee is invited to note the work programme at Annex A.



Thursday 18 September 2014 (morning and afternoon)

·         Inquiry into progress made on implementing the Cancer Delivery Plan: consideration of draft report (private)

·         Inquiry into access to medical technologies: evidence sessions on primary and social care (public)

·         General scrutiny session with the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Deputy Minister for Social Services (public)

·         Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill: consideration of draft report (private)

Wednesday 24 September 2014 (morning only)

·         Follow-up to the inquiry into the contribution of community pharmacy to health services in Wales: Ministerial evidence session (public)

·         Initial discussion of forward work programme for spring term 2015 (private)

·         Briefing to inform the inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”) (private)

Thursday 2 October 2014 (morning and afternoon)

·         Engagement activity to inform the inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”) (informal)

Wednesday 8 October 2014 (morning only)

·         Public Health White Paper: factual briefing from Welsh Government officials (public)

·         Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010: consideration of written evidence (private)

·         Consideration of the Committee’s approach to its follow-up work on the inquiries into stillbirths, the prevention of venous-thromboembolism in hospitalised patients, and the implementation of the National Service Framework for diabetes in Wales and its future direction[1] (private)

Thursday 16 October 2014 (morning and afternoon)

·         Inquiry into access to medical technologies: consideration of draft report (private)

·         Discussion of forward work programme for spring term 2015 (private)

·         Welsh Government’s draft budget: Ministerial scrutiny session (public)

Wednesday 22 October 2014 (morning only)

·         General scrutiny session with the Chief Medical Officer (public)

·         Follow-up to the inquiry into the contribution of community pharmacy to health services in Wales: consideration of draft output (private)

·         Welsh Government’s draft budget: consideration of draft output (private)

Monday 25 October – Sunday 30 November 2014: recess

Thursday 6 November 2014 (morning and afternoon)

·         Inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”): oral evidence sessions (public)

·         Inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”): consideration of evidence (private)

Wednesday 12 November 2014 (morning only)

·         Inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”): oral evidence sessions (public)

·         Inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”): consideration of evidence (private)

Thursday 20 November 2014 (morning and afternoon)

·         General scrutiny of the Chief Medical Officer: consideration of draft output (private)

·         Implementation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014: factual briefing from Welsh Government officials (public) (date TBC)

·         Post-legislative scrutiny of Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010: Ministerial evidence session (public)

Wednesday 26 November 2014 (morning only)

·         General scrutiny session with the Older People’s Commissioner (public)

·         Inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”): Ministerial evidence session (public)

Thursday 4 December 2014 (morning and afternoon)

·         Business to be confirmed

Wednesday 10 December 2014 (morning only)

·         Minimum Nurse Staffing Levels Bill: consideration of approach to Stage 1 scrutiny[2](private)

·         Post-legislative scrutiny of the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010: consideration of draft report (private)

·         Inquiry into new psychoactive substances (“legal highs”): consideration of key issues (private)

[1] To note, the Committee has written to the Minister for Health and Social Services requesting written updates on progress with the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations in order to inform this discussion. These updates will be published in the autumn term once received.

[2] The deadline for the introduction of this Bill is 3 December 2014.  Should the Bill be introduced earlier, this item will be rescheduled accordingly.